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Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en octubre de 2010.

La Llamada Berea - The Berean Call - TBC

Escudriñar Las Escrituras Diariamente 24/7

Hechos 17:11

“Oye Israel : Jehová nuestro Dios, Jehová uno es. Y amarás a Jehová tu Dios de todo tu corazón, y de toda tu alma, y con todas tus fuerzas." (Deuteronomio 6:4, 5)

"Jesús le dijo: amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, y con toda tu alma, y con toda tu mente. Este es el primero y grande mandamiento." (Mateo 22:37, 38)

"Respondió Jesús y le dijo: El que me ama, mi palabra guardará; y mi Padre le amará, y vendremos a Él, y haremos morada con Él." (Juan 14:23)

Ambos, los diez mandamientos dados a Israel y la ley moral que Dios ha escrito en cada conciencia de cada ser humano (Romanos 2:14-15) requiere que cada uno de nosotros ame a Dios con todo nuestro ser. Tal demanda es puesta en nosotros, no porque Dios necesita de nuestro amor, ya que Él es infinito y no necesita nada. Tampoco es porque Dios está centrado en sí mismo u orguloso o soberbio y por lo tanto demanda o exige que nosotros lo amemos por sobre todas las cosas. Él nos ordena que lo amemos con todo nuestro corazón porque ninguna otra cosa nos puede salvar de nuestro enemigo incorregible, que es uno mismo.

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"No Frills Cumbia" Kevin MacLeod (

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"Open Those Bright Eyes" Kevin MacLeod (

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The Berean Call
Get Biblical Understanding
“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7
As a writer who addresses biblical topics, I’m constantly searching the Scriptures to find verses that help me understand what God’s Word says about a certain subject. That’s a life-long daily process for me and I would hope for everyone who is a believer in Jesus Christ.
I’ve been assembling verses for more than a dozen years that relate to certain biblical teachings in the belief that Scripture is the best interpreter of Scripture. I’ve majored in gleaning verses from the New Testament which I’ve read and reread carefully over the years for this venture. Along the way, I’ve added some Old Testament verses, and continue to do so from my additional study of God’s Word. The main focus, however, is on the New Testament.
I know there are relevant verses I’ve yet to include. Nevertheless, for me personally, it’s a joyful and incredibly edifying work in progress.
I’m blessed to share with you what I’ve found in the Scriptures that hopefully will help you get a better understanding of what God has communicated. His teachings and instructions seem all the more critical now that we are in a time when sound doctrine is not being endured (2 Timothy 4:3). My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will enable all of us through His Word and by His grace to live our lives in a way that is pleasing to Him.
Throughout the duration of “Get Biblical Understanding” we will select a specific topic with many of the relevant verses.
In Christ’s love and service,
T.A. McMahon