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Apostasy Update # 13
Tom: I hope that it really ministers, and, well, we’ll see how it goes. “Shake up” would not be a term that I would run away from in this, but whatever it takes for those who certainly have tuned into this. And we want to edify, and we want to give them information perhaps they haven’t had before.
Much of the information that we’ve been presenting in this series is taken from four books: your book, Carl, Game of Gods; America, the Sorcerer’s New Apprentice; Christianity and Anti-Christianity in Their Final Conflict; and most importantly, the Bible, which is God’s direct communication to mankind.
Last week, as you alluded to, we may have shocked some of our viewers by stating that America for the most part has turned from traditional Christianity to Eastern mysticism. Now, that would be—that would only be a shock to those who have been in a spiritual coma regarding what’s taking place around them. They have clearly missed what has been hidden in plain sight.
To bring that astounding charge into focus, we went back more than a hundred years ago to the writings of Samuel Andrews, who documented the then-religious beliefs here in America. He noted that the highly regarded philosophers of our day—of his day were nearly all atheists turned pantheists. Their beliefs filtered down through education and the literary crowd, the popular writers of the day, to seminaries, to local churches, and eventually to the men on the streets.
Cults such as Christian Science and Religious Science along with New Thought and Transcendentalism added their own variety of pantheism. Spiritualism was rampant with well-known figures of the day communicating—who were communicating with spirit entities. Religious ecumenism was much sought after through events such as the Parliament of World Religions, which you addressed numerous times, Carl. The belief that the different religions were simply different roads that lead to the same God was greeted with great enthusiasm by all—all, that is, except by biblical Christians.
The teachings of God’s Word, well, they’re diametrically opposed to all the religions of the world, yet their basic beliefs are prophesied in Scripture and condemned. They are foretold as works-salvation—that is, man can achieve or merit his own salvation either in part or wholly without God. And from a pantheistic assessment, that [mankind] is God and is accomplishing his own salvation through self-realization, meaning realizing that he is God. Those were the times of Samuel Andrews. He identified pantheism as the foundational religion of the Antichrist as well as the major preparation for humanity to accept its own godhood. That was then, yet there is much more to come.
Even so—well, before we get to that, Carl, have you—there’s some things that…well, plenty that we haven’t addressed. Nevertheless, some thoughts come to mind about going back to Samuel Andrews?
Carl, last week we pointed out that more than a few things entered the picture since Samuel Andrews penned his discerning words 120 years ago. I’d like to go over a number of those things. So what comes to mind for you?