
On our website: https://www.thebereancall.org/content/question-why-do-some-believers-fall-away

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Question: I have a question which simply asks, “In view of all the Lord has done for believers, why do some fall away or go into apostasy?”

Response: First, as Scripture tells us, there are those who claim to be believers, who have never been saved (See—https://bit.ly/41D6NWQ). Apostasy has been a part of every generation since the beginning and fall of mankind. Scripture tells us that it will culminate in the last days when the Antichrist is revealed. His religion will be an apostate Christianity—it will accommodate all religions. Although the apostasy will not be fully realized until after the Rapture of the church, its development has been ongoing from the time when sin entered the human race. Furthermore, down through biblical and church history, many true believers, either in ignorance or because of the weaknesses of their flesh, have contributed to apostasy. Solomon seems to exemplify this, he also married pagan women, which was contrary to Scripture. These women turned him to idolatry and he built temples for them to worship their false gods.

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